Besides those we’ve already mentioned (technical, websites and software, legal, commercial and accounting, advertising and marketing, financial, agrifood, medical/scientific, cosmetics and wellness, tourism), we also provide translations in sectors including clothing, footwear and leathers, aerospace, environment, aerials, medical apparatus, archaeology, architecture, interior design, art, insurance, astrophysics, current affairs, automobiles, patents, ceramics, cinema, local government, contracts, conferences/events/trade shows, design, construction, electronics, oenology, philosophy, physics, nuclear physics, fitness, journalism, rubbers, abattoir equipment, information technology, engineering, horse shows, literature, linguistics, earthmoving equipment, agricultural machinery, power tools, mechanics, mineralogy, fashion, music, narrative, dentistry, packaging, plastics, quality control, screen printing, doors and windows, cold chain, seismology, waste disposal, history, telecommunications, textiles and much more. We have an extensive portfolio of translators with qualifications and interest in all of these fields. Their skills allow us to offer specialist translation services whatever the sector. It’s impossible to list every area of specialization. Whatever type of text you have, just send us your file and we’ll give you an estimate. Our Project Managers will analyse your text in terms of volume, subject matter and style, and make you a proposal that’s best suited to your needs.
Ask us for an estimate – it’s free, with no strings attached!