We can produce technical manuals in line with the requirements of the Machinery Directive thanks to our partners specializing in the creation of manuals. The end product is a user’s/maintenance manual in the form of a Word file, structured by chapters and paragraphs in accordance with the requirements on content stipulated in European Directive 2006/42/EC. The client then completes the user’s/maintenance manual, inserting content specific to the machinery/equipment concerned, or passes this information to Traduco Srl, which can then deliver a finished product which is immediately ready for use.
Supply of master user’s/maintenance manual
The first step is to provide the client with a user’s/maintenance manual in the form of a Word file, structured by chapters and paragraphs in accordance with the requirements on content stipulated in European Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The client completes the user’s/maintenance manual, inserting content specific to the machinery/equipment concerned.
A streamlined editorial process, document standardization, guaranteed document conformity, uniformity of document appearance.
Analysis of page layout of manual
Analysis addresses the following aspects:
– Conformity of the manual’s structure with the requirements of standard UNI 10893: “Technical product documentation – Instructions for use – Articulation and order of content”.
– Inclusion of the information required under the European Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC); page layout.
Identification of areas for improvement in light of changing legislatory requirements.
Guaranteed conformity of the document with standards and legislation on technical documents.
Production of the user’s/maintenance manual
Assembly of technical information for inclusion in the manual (e.g. surveys, data provided by client)
Creation and pagination of the manual.
Guaranteed completeness, with clear exposition of the technical information contained in the document and destined for the end user.
Guaranteed conformity of the manual with standards and legislation on technical documents. No documentary activities are required of the client.
Outsourced management of client portfolios
The client provides us with its portfolio of manuals in electronic format, requesting as applicable the revision of existing manuals or the creation of new manuals. Traduco Srl performs the requested activity and updates the client’s portfolio, preferably using our own software.
All the client has to do is notify the supplier of its demands (the manuals it needs and delivery times).
Software for creation and management of manuals
This software allows to create and manage a manual portfolio in Italian or another language, revising the manuals as required. It also enables to standardize the structure of the client’s e.g. instructions manuals using personalized layouts.
The client can produce its own manuals with the assurance of uniform presentation, revision and translation. This solution allows manuals to be created in modular fashion, with portfolios structured using special databases, chapter and paragraph cross-references and duplication, automatic page layout and automatic import and pagination of foreign-language text (up to 30 languages supported).
Software-based management of user’s/maintenance manuals
With this service we store our clients’ user’s/maintenance manuals on manual management software, which allows us to guarantee uniform page layout from one manual to another and keep the manuals properly organized.
This solution generates cost savings when new manuals are loaded into the system, or when new translations are required.
None of the client’s internal resources are required.
Conversion of manuals into paginated editable format
This service involves converting manuals in non-editable format (e.g. hard copy, PDF etc.) into paginated, editable formats (e.g. Word). This service is best provided using our own management software. None of the client’s internal resources are required.
Revisions and modifications take less time.
Manuals that are suited to a diversity of requirements.